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Harvard Referencing Style

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Example References For Book.

Example Book Reference

Example In-Text Citation for A Book Reference


Harvard Referencing Generator: Make Referencing Easier

Academic writing is critical as it involves accuracy in content and technical terms as per the academic standard. Are you facing trouble in finding out correct citation as per the given topic or subject? Do you know the significance of getting a proper reference for your assignment or project? Well, you must know the importance of taking help from a reliable source while academic writing.

The Harvard style citation generator is a tool or system used by writers, researchers, and students to assimilate others' research, finding, quotes, and ideas into their work to make their writing effective or validate their conclusions. Harvard Referencing Generator, also known as a parenthetical referencing system, comprises of two elements:

1. In-Text Citations: It has the surname of the author or writer along with the year of publication. The publication year reflects under brackets.

2. Reference List: It reflects all the sources or references that you have cited in your work.

Harvard Referencing Generator: Make Referencing Easier
Why Is Harvard Referencing Generator Crucial In Academic Writing

Why Is Harvard Referencing Generator Crucial In Academic Writing?

  1. The Harvard Referencing Generator helps avoid the probability of errors and minimizes the chance of plagiarism in the content. Harvard Citation Generator guides you in persuasive academic writing with precision and the best practical technical terms.
  2. It is crucial to acknowledge the work of various authors and use their researches in your writing. Analyses take long years to complete successfully. While writing assignments, homework, thesis, dissertation, or any academic project, proper citation is necessary. Harvard Referencing Generator provides you the list of the best suitable citation for you.
  3. Harvard Referencing Generator allows you to give credit to the writers from where you took the reference. It shows you the list of top-ranked research-based references.
  4. The Harvard style citation generator allows you to provide proper evidence supporting your argument while writing for your project. When you are writing a thesis. A dissertation involves in-depth research and proper citation. Harvard Referencing Generator is beneficial in this case.
  5. Taking the right reference maintains accuracy in our work, and the readers could quickly get the citation record. Free Harvard referencing generator builds confidence inside you about your project.

Rules to follow for In-text Citations

In-text citations are provided within the main body of the full content. It can be used to acknowledge any of the author's quotes and can also be used to recognize the authors' paraphrased information. While providing the in-text citations, do not provide the full reference. The complete reference is always given at the end of the content under the broad headings of References. In the Harvard referencing, In-text references incorporate the author's surname or the editor, year of publication, and the page number(s).

Example: Sullivan (2019, p. 182) or (Sullivan, 2019, p. 182) or (Sullivan, 2019, pp. 182-190)

Note: p. refers to a single page

  1. refers to a range of pages

There is a wide range of sources that you can cite in your piece of work, such as journals, periodicals, articles, websites, books, and various other internet sources. While incorporating the In-text citations in Harvard style, you should keep the following aspects in mind:

  • Citations should always be in brief to that of the whole reference
  • It should carry the year of the publication
  • It should exhibit throughout the paper
  • When the respective author of the particular piece of work cannot be identified, the terms such as ‘Anon’ or ‘Anonymous’ can be used along with the publication date.

Referencing and Citing Books in Harvard Style

Citing Book with Single Author

The raw format or the structure for referencing and citing a book written by a single author is:

Author’s last name, First name. (Year). Chapter title. Edition. Place of publication:  Publisher.


Gibson, A, 2017. Business Law. 10th edition. Sydney: Pearson

Rose, M.T., 2000. The simple book: an introduction to the management of protocols (Vol. 2). Englewood. Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Citations: (Gibson, 2017, p. 87)

                  (Rose, 2000, pp. 100-120)

Citing Books with two and multiple authors

For citing the work of another person in Harvard style, the following format can be used:

Last name of the Author, First name, Last name of the Author, First initial., and Last name of the Author, First initial. (Year). Title. Place of publication: Publisher.


Nevillee, C. and Payer, A. (1990). Financial Instruments.

Mitchell, F., Evans, D. and Jackson, T. (2010). Electronic Engineering Service. Nottingham: Nigamber Publications.

Citations: (Nevillee and Payer, 1990, p. 25)

                 (Mitchell, Evans and Jackson, 2010, pp. 26-27)

Note: : If there are more than 3 Authors, you must write the first name of the author, and then it should be followed by et al. There is no requirement to write the name of other authors when you have used the work et al.

Note: et al. is the Latin phrase et alia which defines the meaning “and others”.


Reference: Mitchell, F., Evans, D., Miller, O. and Jackson, T. (2010). Electronic Engineering Service. Nottingham: Nigamber Publications.

Citation: (Mitchell, et al., 2010, pp. 26-27)

Citing Books by Organization or Corporate Author

Corporate Authors are the organizations or the government bodies that do not mention the author's name on the front of the books. Therefore, to refer to and cite these types of books in your work, you can use the corporate authors.


PROTECTION, C. and COALITION, N.G.O., 2006. Working for sustainability and Suitability among the Orphanages in Western Europe Organisations.

Citation: (PROTECTION and COALITION, 2006)

Citing Book without Any Author

There are times when you won't be able to get the details of the author of the particular book. The referencing and citations for those types of books can be done using the name of the book.


Encyclopedia of Religion, 1995. Macmillan, London, pp. 1-52.

Citation: (Encyclopedia of Religion, 1995, p. 48)

Citing Chapter from an Edited Book

Edited books are known as the collection of chapters written by different authors. Under this type of reference and citations, instead of the author's name, the name of the editor can be used. The following format/Structure can be used:

Editor last name(s), first name(s). (eds.), Year. Title. Edition. Publication Place: Name of the publisher(s)


St-Michel, W., 2015. Morgan Borongon and SONG Tianing (eds), On the Planned Corruptions Against Mortality Agreement, pp. 98-102.

Citation: (St-Michel, 2015, pp. 98-102)

Referencing and Citing Articles in Harvard Style

Journal Article

Journal articles are the piece of work written on one specific topic and are shorter than that of the whole book. If you want to use the result from any Journal articles, the following structure or format of referencing and citation can be used.

Author names. (Year) ‘Article Title’, Volume (issue), pages. 


Fisher, E.F., 2001. Tale as a human message standard: The occasion of community ethical argument. Infrastructures Articles51(1), pp.1-22.

Citation: (Fisher, 2001, p. 20)

Newspaper Articles

Many times, you will like to use the work of the author published in the newspaper. At those times, the following format or the structure of references and citations can be used. Under this structure, instead of volumes and issue numbers, the edition and publication date can be used. The general design is:

Last name of Author(s), First name of Author(s), Year. ‘Article Title’, Title of Newspaper (edition), page(s).


Tornit, F. and Smith, M.O., 2014. The memorandum offered explanation for the use of agony. Washington Post9(05), p.4.

Citation: (Tornit and Smith, 2014, p. 4)

Online Database

The following format can be used for putting references and citations for online databases.

Last name of author(s), First name of the author(s). Year. Article Title. Journal Title, Volume or (issue no), page [Online] Available at website address. [Accessed on (date)]


Fayaz, F. and Nisa, N.U. 2017. Online Marketing-a Tool to Improve the Efficacy of 4 Ps. [ONLINE] Available at (Accessed on 29-01-2020)

Citation: (Fayaz and Nisa, 2017, p. 86)

Note: Here, the word [ONLINE] represents that the article is present in the electronic form. It is crucial to put the date to these articles to define that the information was correct when you were using and referencing it.

Special Issue

There are the Articles that are published in some special issues. These are considered General scholarly articles only but carry a particular problem with them.


Dounias, F., Tsakonas, P., Hatas, J. and Michalopoulos, L., 2007. Familiarizing Mixture Of Computational Ability in Credit Management, submitted to the Int. Journal of “Executive and Decision Finances”, Special Issue on Credit Administration.

Citation: (Dounias, Tsakonas, Hatas and Michalopoulos, 2007, p. 82)

Magazine Articles

Articles from magazines can also be used for referencing and citing in your piece of work. The following is the generalized format or structure that can be used to put the reference and citations in the Harvard style.

Last name of the author (s), First name of the author (s). Year. Title of Article. Name of Magazine, volume, Page (s).


Fowler, O., Gamble, P.P., Hogan, L.N., Kogut, M., McComish, M. and Thorp, P., 2009. Conversation with the foe. Boston Globe, 28.

Citation: (Fowler, et al., 2009, p. 28)

Referencing and Citing Other Online Sources in Harvard Style


Certain times you get the most relevant information from different websites. For that information, it becomes crucial for you to record the data of those websites to maintain a personal record. If the information provided on the website is in PDF form, then you should download that information and should make a record of it.

Along with this, it is also suggested for you to keep the URL's of all the websites in the reference list of your piece of work so that the reader could quickly locate the source from where the information is taken. For referencing and citing the websites in your work, the following format or structure can be used.

Last name of the author (s), First name of author (s). Year. Page/site Title. [Online] Available at: URL (Accessed on day/ month / year)


Alexandra, T., 2006. The 4 Ps [Online] Available at (Accessed on 29-01-2020)

Citation: (Alexandra, 2006)

Columbus, L., 2006. Five Ways Big Data Is Transforming Advertising And Car boot sale [Online] Available at https://www.forbes.aus/sites/popelcolumbus/2017/04/08/five-ways-big-data-is-transforming-advertising-and- Car-boot-sale /#70ede6621cff (Accessed on 29-01-2020)

Citation: (Columbus, 2006)

Note: Several websites do not carry the dates. In such cases, you can use n.d. in the date column.


Purpet. J., n.d. Big Data in Selling: 6 custom Gears. [Online] Available at (Accessed on 29-01-2020)

Citation: (Purpet, n.d.)


Several books are present on online platforms. You can also take help from those books to find out the most relevant information. To address the book's source, it is essential to give the E-Book references and citations. The following format or structure can be used to refer to and cite a book in your work.

Last name of the author (s), First name of the author (s). Year. Title of Book. Edition (if applicable) E-book. [Online] Available at (URL) or DOI (Accessed on date/ month/ year)


Hopkins, K., 2015. Getting sterilized in Brazil: stories of success and failureE-book2. [Online] Available at (Accessed on 29-01-2020)


(Hopkins, 2015, p. 6)


Suppose you have any useful and relevant information through the mail and want to use it in your work. In that case, you can easily reference and cite that information in your piece of work using the following structure and format of Harvard referencing.

Last name of the sender, first name of Sender, Year. Subject Line of the mail. [E-mail]


Milter, P., 2013. Report on Diabetes. [E-mail]

Uliler. R. 2020. Plan for the Brand. [E-mail]


(Milter, 2013)

(Uliler, 2020)

Social Media Sources

In the Harvard Style, you can also use any social media posts relevant to your content. The following format and structure of referencing and citations can be used.

Last name of the creator, First name of the creator. Title of the post / Source. [Online] Available at URL. (Accessed on date/ month/ year).


Obama, B., 2017. No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion…/ Twitter. [Online] Available at (Accessed on 29-01-2020)

(Obama, 2017)


Images and Videos can also be referenced and cited in the Harvard style using the following structure or format.

Author/director's first name, Author's / director's last name. Year. Title of the Video/Image. Type, pages / studio. [Online] Available at URL. (Accessed on date / month/ year)


Berlow, E., 2010. Simplifying complexity. Video, [Online] Available at (Accessed on 29-01-2020)

Citation: (Berlow, 2010)


If you want to use any relevant image or photograph in your piece, you can use the Harvard referencing generator to cite and refer to that image or photo. The general structure to follow is:

Last name of artist or photographer, First name of artist or photographer, year. Image or photograph title. [Type]. (Details of document, Place: library or repository)


Keeva, C, 2017. How I Achieved Editorial Style Food. [Photograph]. (Keeva Indian restaurant food Photography, Francisco: Keeva Indian Kitchen)

Citation: (Keeva, 2017)


You can also refer and cite nay maps and related work to your document. To cite this, you can follow the below-given structure or format:

Name of the map maker. (Year). Map title. Series, number, scale. Place: publisher


Beresford, M.W., 1986. Inclesmoor, West Riding of Yorkshire. Local maps and plans from medieval England. Oxford: Clarendon Press. L4l-61.


If you have got any relevant and useful information and want to use it related to Podcasts, you can also use it using the Harvard referencing style. The structure and format are as follows:

First name of the Author, Last name of the Author, Year. Program Title. Name of the Broadcaster: series title. [Source] [Online] Available at URL. (Accessed on date/ month/ year)


Radiomisfits, 2020. You Me & Sicily. [Podcast]. [Online] Available at (Accessed on 29-01-2020)

Citation: (Radiomisfits, 2020)

Other Sources

Several other sources can be used to take information in your piece of work. These sources are:


First name of the author (s), Last name of the author (s), Year. Report Title. Place: Publication


Kimerling, J., 2001. International Standards in Ecuador's Amazon Oil Fields: The Privatization of Environmental Law. Colum. J. Envtl. L.26, p.289.

Citation: (Kimerling, 2001, p. 289)


First name of the author (s), Last name of the author (s), Year. Title of Dissertation. University name. [Online] Available at URL. (Accessed on date/ month/ year)


Lindgreen, A., 2017. Impact of Government Policies on Reducing Corporate Corruption and Unethical Practices. Harvard University. [Online] Available at (Accessed on 29-01-2020)

Citation: (Lindgreen, 2017, pp. 25-64)


Last name of the interviewee, First name of interviewee. And Last name of interviewer, first name of interviewer Year. Interview title. City, Page.


Vivan, B. and Boston, K. 2012. Employee Engagement initiatives.

Citation: (Vivan and Boston, 2012)

Presentations and Lectures

Last name of the author, first name of the Author, Year. Title of Lecture.


Yung, R., 2008. Herbal benefits.

Citation: (Yung, 2008)


Last name of the performer or writer, First name of the performer or writer, year. Title of Music/ Recording. [Medium]. City: Label of music.


Muke, G., 1995. Delicious. [CD]. Washington: Music CD.

Citation: (Lucky, 1995)


Entry, Year. Dictionary Title. Place: Publisher.


Fit, 2017. Cambridge advanced learner’s dictionary. Birmingham: detectable publications.

Citation: (Fit, 2017)

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