You will likely have to write at least one research paper before graduation if you are a college student. Writing an excellent research paper might be difficult for beginners, and we can help.
This guide will help you produce a persuasive research paper and achieve the grade you want!
Here are the processes and materials you need to compose a successful research paper and a checklist. Research writing is difficult at first, but with experience, it may become a vital academic and professional skill.
The stages below will help you produce a research paper from an assignment or prompt to a well-crafted essay. Steps:
Before writing your research paper, make sure you grasp your teacher's or professor's expectations. Many students neglect this stage and then wonder why they graded their papers poorly and didn't read the directions.
Scrutinize the assignment. Examine all your teacher has given you. Read the writing prompts and assignment rubric carefully. Make sure to underline and make notes on the assignment. Consider carefully what you are required to write and how you will judge yourself. And if unsure, ask! Ask your teacher before choosing a topic. So you'll know you're on the correct road.
Now that you know what to write about, it's time to compose your research paper. This might be intimidating, but don't panic. It helps to write about something you care about, but don't fret about picking the right topic. A contentious issue allows you to demonstrate your ability to objectively explain opposing viewpoints and even defend one if the assignment requires it.
If you love an issue but can't fit it under the parameters, change it. It will be easy to write on a topic that matches the assignment. It's necessary to be interested in the issue but not in love with it. It's also crucial to remember that you may utilize your research writing assignment to learn something new. You will be an expert on the issue after this procedure, but not right now.
Now for the exciting part — research! Researching for a paper is a somewhat subjective process. But keep concentrated and rush. After all, you must complete your study.
Keep in mind the following while you research:
1: skim,
2: discover credible sources,
3: don't overlook info.
You are then skimming. You don't have to read everything on your topic, and you probably can't. Get used to skimming. Learn to recognize main points and arguments without reading every word.
Find credible sources. Contrary to popular belief, you can utilize Wikipedia to produce a research paper. But it's not a definitive source. You can quickly grasp enormous volumes of knowledge by using generic sources like Wikipedia to familiarise yourself with a topic. But you must locate reputable sources for your paper's material.
Expand on what you learned via a Google search or a Wikipedia article. Search an academic database using keywords from your online search, or ask an expert whether what you learned is genuine and where you may find another reputable source expressing the same thing. You can use Wikipedia as a starting point for your study, but not as a primary source.
Lastly, don't overlook data. You can discover articles that say whatever you want. Did scientists find that octopus DNA contains extra-terrestrial DNA? Are the spires on Disney's Cinderella Castle detachable during a hurricane? Did a chef try to poison George Washington with poisoned tomatoes? There are articles claiming that all three of the above statements are accurate, but they aren't. One report says something is natural doesn't mean it's an absolute truth you can utilize in your study.
Consider all possible perspectives and schools of thinking on your issue. This may be done by reading a range of articles, a book or article that offers an overview of the problem and includes several viewpoints, or talking to an expert who can discuss the topic in depth.
What do you do with all this data? Step four is all about organization. Like research, everyone has distinct tastes, and it also depends on your assignment. Use a bibliography (literally, "book writing") to keep track of the books, papers, and other sources utilized in your study.
Create a bibliography that satisfies the paper's standards if your teacher demands one. If you're developing one for yourself, consider how you'll organize your research. It may be helpful to save materials to your browser or create a digital bibliography. You may either print out your resource list or write it down on notecards or sticky notes and arrange it on a table or the floor.
With your assignment clearly defined and a topic picked and studied, you are ready to present your perspective, argument, or claim. Even if you don't argue for or against anything, the thesis is required. An idea is a concise statement that explains or proves what you seek to explain or show.
In Pride and Prejudice, I dealt with the subject of marriage.
That wasn't that bad. But keep in mind that this is just the start. Many students give up right there, not understanding why their instructor gave them a low score on their thesis. A thesis should be conclusive and not about you. So, you may edit the above responses to:
Canines are man's greatest friend, yet human interactions have altered modern dogs' behavior and anatomy.
Many institutions require first-year students to reside on campus, which keeps them out of trouble, improves their grades, and boosts their chances of graduation.
Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice views marriage as a means of social mobility, a mistake, and a rewarding arrangement.
Can you tell the difference between the first and second thesis statements? Work to avoid terms and phrases like "I think" and "My paper is about."
It's also vital not to be ambiguous. Don't be frightened to be bold. Each of the examples above makes a distinct point regarding the issue. A solid thesis statement is also debatable. That doesn't mean it's contentious or firmly held, but it does mean someone may object.
Your outline, like a bibliography, will rely on your assignment. If your teacher asks you to submit a resume, make sure it matches the example, guidelines, or criteria. Even if you aren't obliged to develop an outline, it might help you organize your thoughts.
An outline helps you structure your paper. Don't be overly formulaic, although patterns and suggestions can help. If you wrote three- or five-paragraph essays in high school, you might utilize the same framework in a college research project. Three or five key sections may not work for a thesis with two primary ideas. Assuming the assignment requires you to introduce a topic and explain several viewpoints before presenting your perspective, the paper will likely include three primary sections, one for each goal.
Think about what you want to say in your research paper and what format would help you say it clearly and organized. An introduction and conclusion are typically required, but what comes in between depends on the essay's content.
It's a good idea to avoid faulty arguments while crafting your case. Review the most prevalent logical fallacies if you aren't familiar with them; your grade may rely on them!
Then it's time to compose your paper. You may feel like you should have begun writing sooner, but your work thus far is valuable and it will help you write a persuasive research paper.
Be loose with your writing. Don't obsess about getting the correct words, grammar, or title. You may modify your research paper as you go. Now you must write.
It may be good to review your research before writing, but do not write directly from it. You are starting to write while flipping between resources and paper makes it simple to duplicate ideas without generating your own. Trust your previous work and compose your research paper from memory. You can search for a specific phrase or statistic, but your thoughts should be yours.
Using your ideas can help you prevent plagiarism. Without permission, you utilize someone else's thoughts or ideas without giving them credit. This doesn't have to be terrifying. To produce your essay, you must follow the methods indicated in this article without stealing, copying, or plagiarising.
Congratulations on finishing your paper! You've worked hard to get here! Then go to work. You still have to modify your paper before submitting it. Remember how you weren't meant to be perfect? You don't need to worry, but you should make your writing great.
Edit for content first. Consider structure, organization, phrasing, and length. When you outlined, you arranged your paper. Does that structure still work now that you've written your essay? Great. What do you need to relocate if not? Scrutinize your sentences. Did you convey your message? Can you make your paper more understandable? This is also an excellent time to review Step 1. Did you cover all of the assignment requirements? If not, where can you add them?
If your paper is too long or too short, now is the moment to trim it down or lengthen it. Ditch the conclusion if your piece is too long. Don't waste time adjusting font size and margins to increase your article. Be cautious with these adjustments. What should you miss if you need to cut something, and how should you reorganize your paper to keep it structured? If you need to extend your essay, don't merely add words or repeat yourself. Consider what you can add that complements the rest of your work, expands on your ideas, or adds value to your study.
After making all required modifications, reread your work to ensure it makes sense. It's simple to accidentally omit or erase a word, sentence, or paragraph when using a computer. Get a friend, mentor, or instructor to read your research work and offer you content.
Also, proofread for grammar. You may get assistance from a wide range of sources and tools. If you're confused about commas, semicolons, or run-on sentences, use Grammarly or Stunk and White's Elements of Style.
Grammar correction, like content editing, may require several passes. It's good to take a break, and it might help you focus while returning to your article to detect and correct errors.
After Steps 1–9, it's time for a rest. Give your paper a day (or an hour, if you're short on time) to rest. If you've just read your article on a screen, printing it out and reading it on paper might help. You may spot errors or formatting flaws with your eyes on a computer screen. It's time to submit your research paper once you've double-checked that it meets all of the assignment's requirements.
Don't hesitate to ask your teacher for help, but do so responsibly. If you log in the day before and the location where you are meant to turn in your assignment is closed or unavailable, email your teacher so they can help you submit your work. Expect them to help you at 3 a.m., on the weekend, or minutes before an assignment. Some teachers could, but you're lucky now. If you plan ahead of time and allow yourself enough time to complete an assignment, you won't have to rely on your professor being accessible to help you when you contact them. Don’t worry about the assignments as the experts at LiveWebTutors are here to take care of them. Our academic experts are ready to help you with any writing assignment. We offer a service to suit your demands, from Thesis Help experts to completing your essay and assignments related to subjects.
Read more- Get Custom Essay Writing Help for Good Academic Grades